Amazon Astro developers claim the robot is “a disaster that’s not ready for release”

In brief: Amazon has just introduced its new Astro home robot, and it's already being targeted by controversy. According to leaked documents and developers who helped build Astro, the robot still has major flaws that shouldn't be well-accepted by those who spend $1,000 or more to buy one. When designing Astro, it's clear that Amazon was aiming … Continue reading Amazon Astro developers claim the robot is “a disaster that’s not ready for release”

Amazon Astro brings a personal robot into your home

The big picture: We’ve been talking and thinking about robots for decades now. Between Isaac Asimov’s seminal science fiction writing on the subject, Star Wars heroes R2-D2, C-3PO, and BB-8, and the innumerable other movies, TV shows, comics, and other media that they’ve inspired, robots have become a part of mainstream culture. But, despite grandiose … Continue reading Amazon Astro brings a personal robot into your home